You may consider this as a confession of an average Joe. I, like many people have a genetic predisposition toward being heavy.
It seems like most of my adult life, I have had to pay special attention to my weight and therefore my appearance. I have tried many different exercise fitness programs and routines. Some delivered much better results than others.
On the one hand, you have the myriad of diet and fitness plans we are all inundated with through advertising and media, on the other, we have our own ideas and thoughts
about weight loss and exercise fitness.
I am not here to sell you on any ideas or to hawk any programs but, I wanted to tell you what I have tried and what has worked for me.
About four years ago, I was so fed up with the weight I had gained and the gradual but obvious loss of my youthful health, that I decided I had to do something about it.
I looked at many different programs and plans and decided that I would try a low carb, high protein diet. I also decided that I would find an exercise fitness program
that fit my schedule and that I could find the time to do. I didn't want big muscles and all that, I just wanted to burn the fat and look and feel better!
I made a decision to go with the Atkins diet for my diet plan approach and to try Tom Venuto's "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" for my EXERCISE FITNESS PLAN.
My key approach to all of this was to be realistic and keep it simple. I set a goal to lose 44 pounds. I weighed 204 pounds at the time and my goal was to get to 160 pounds. I also wanted to firm up my sagging body parts and my primary drive and motivation was to LOOK and FEEL better.
I also decided that I would follow these programs' recommendations to the letter and be as disciplined as I could to achieve the results I wanted. It was not easy but like I said, my thought was to keep my approach simple and attainable. I decided I would give myself one year to achieve my goals.
To my great astonishment, as I got involved with the Atkins low carb diet, and the Burn The Fat exercise fitness program, the weight began to melt away! I stuck with the recommended "induction" phase of the Atkins diet twice as long as recommended, (four weeks instead of two) and I lost 16 pounds my first month! At the same time, I began to tone up my sagging muscles and dropped two pant sizes!
Inspired on by my progress, I became more determined than ever to keep going. I developed a plan to allow myself one "free day" a week to eat whatever I desired and then tested my weight to see if it would work and if I was still losing weight.
I was!
The end result was, I lost 44 pounds and achieved my goals in four months rather than a year, and I have managed, with proper exercise fitness and low carb dieting to keep it off! Essentially now what I do to stay in "maintenance" is I eat meat, fruit and vegetables (all I want), and I continue to have one "free day" every week.
I think the key to my success is allowing my own body to develop my metabolism to deal with my exercise fitness and low carb diet lifestyle.
I stay away from soft drinks, sugars, high starch foods and breads. On my one free day per week, I eat whatever I want. This continues to work for me.
I wrote this post to encourage you to develop your own exercise fitness and diet program if you haven't already. You WILL LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER and be in BETTER HEALTH. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! Regardless of age or health conditions, you can do it! I am 53 years old and was 44 pounds heavier than I am now.
I am in the best shape of my life and I feel great! You can do it to!
Start today and make a change because you are worth it.
Please feel free to write and post your comments or suggestions. I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts.
Exercise Fitness
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